Submit to Transmission
In keeping with the aims of the Satellite Collective, Transmission is primarily interested in works focused upon the intersection of various art forms. We are seeking original material that bridges the high-art/populist divide. These may include, but are not limited to, visual works, musical selections, video, poetry, fiction, and critical essays. Based in New York City, Transmission encourages submissions from the broader national and international arts community.
How to Sumbit
Please send material to Janice Kidd at Transmission only accepts electronic submissions unless a prior arrangement has been made with the editors. Along with your submission, please include a brief personal bio and a brief synopsis of your entry.
Approval Process
All submitted materials will be reviewed and voted upon by the Satellite Press Editorial Board. Approved contributors will be required to sign a release, granting Transmission rights to the work within the site. Copyright for original materials outside Transmission will be retained by the contributor. Due to volume, expect to hear about the submitted work within three weeks of submission.